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Author Topic: Fortune & Men's Eyes  (Read 4631 times)
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« on: July 10, 2004, 03:26:13 PM »

Fortune & Men's Eyes
Does the objective truth really exist or is human
civilization a colossal collection of lies?
By John Kaminski

When, in disgrace with Fortune and men's eyes,
I all alone beweep my outcast state,
And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries,
And look upon myself and curse my fate,
Wishing me like to one more rich in hope,
Featured like him, like him with friends possessed,
Desiring this man's art, and that man's scope,
With what I most enjoy contented least,
Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising,
Haply I think on thee, and then my state,
Like to the lark at break of day arising
From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate
For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings,
That then I scorn to change my state with kings.
- William Shakespeare, Sonnet #29
Yeah, I know. Love is a cheap word, one that is thrown around with more disdain for reality, with more ulterior motives, than perhaps any other. I love Entenmann's chocolate chip cookies. I love "freedom," a word larded with control mechanisms if there ever was one. And of course, I love the Orwellian word "peace," right up there with "democracy" as a meaningless utterance of thoroughly deflated connotation, constantly kicked around in the dirt by such rabid butchers as Nixon, Reagan, and Bush.
And yet as I stand on my porch gazing through the screen door at the leafy green bounty of my backyard, I take that Shakespearean sonnet and direct it in my mind to my e-mail list, which perhaps more than any other thing in my life has convinced me that life is worth living, that I do love myself, that there are many people in this world with whom it is an absolute joy to be. Because unlike the tawdry and lamentable deceptions of savage social life spewed forth by what we numbly call "the media," sincere truths shared with two or more people, and the humble, ironic laughter that usually accompanies such unpretentious gossiping, exemplifies the shimmering value of life and friendship, the joy of mutual understanding, without which we would go mad and silent into darkness.
Oh man I'm rambling. To so many I only wish to say: thank you for inspiring me, for reassuring me in this time of rank superficiality and discount-store violence, that some people do care about the difference between gathering trivial toys while ignoring all those dead people in the desert, and striving to somehow serve the force that has given us our beautiful lives. Though I possess this knowledge myself, it is great comfort to me that many others have it as well, and enables me to nurture my own desperate hope that humanity may yet blossom into something more than the killer lemmings we see paraded ceaselessly on the TV screens.
The point of this lament is about honesty, about what we really need, and how to get it.
Is it possible to achieve honesty in this world of ours, this material cornucopia where deep in the reflexive crannies of people's behavioral habits, goodness is measured by beauty and worth by wealth? Where the truly decent people go wanting and see their lives destroyed because they are unwilling to consign their souls to moneymaking schemes that cheat others?
And so we come to the fork in the road upon which depends every decision ever made by humans on this planet. A flash of memory from forty years ago flits into my mind as the best way to explain this dichotomy.
I was standing in my childhood living room arguing with my father about the Vietnam war. "We're killing all those people for nothing, for no good reason," I bellowed, shaking my shaggy adolescent hair in vibrating rage. My pop looked at me with tender resignation, and bellowed back (we were bellowers, as if you couldn't have guessed): "You're thinking about the wrong things! The only thing that counts in this world is money!"
What followed that collision of ideologies was twenty years of silence between us, which fortunately for us both, ceased a few years before he died.
Perhaps that was the defining moment of my life. I always believed that life was about much more than money, and I guess as a consequence have never had much of it. It's shocking to contemplate my Social Security printout and see how little I've made over these four decades of work history. And yet, still standing firm in that living room of memory, I stand by my teenage story. "We're killing all those people for no good reason."
And ironic that now I should be talking about those two things: killing and money. And how they go together, the yin and yang of civilization, the thing that prevents us from starving but compels us to keep on killing each other. The witless demonic dance of the predator species.
We can't have peace in the world because we need to make money and war is the most profitable mode of operation. That could be the epitaph for our civilization.
Particularly in the area of environmental contemplation, the argument always runs that we can't protect the nest that's keeping us alive because we don't have the money to do it. Somewhere down this road is where we will cash in our chips for good.
The billions of people killed over the millenia since Oannes first crawled out of the sea and started organized civilization somewhere in what is now Iraq (according to the historian Berossus) has all been about money, as our decision now to endorse the same slimy show in the same strife-torn place is most certainly about cold hard cash.
Money, that root of all evil, both keeps us alive and keeps us from being human. Unless being human means a lot less than I thought it always did.
One thing is certain: honesty is an impediment to making money. Just ask a banker, who fiddles with his derivatives income statement as he smiles at you and says everything is just dandy, as long as you have collateral. Just ask any of the principal honest news gatherers and principled journalists on the web, who try to tell the truth without ulterior motive. None of them has any money. That's probably the biggest reason the real story about 9/11 isn't more widely known. The people with money don't want it known, for one reason or another. And the people who do want it known don't have the money to adequately publicize it, especially since so many of those in the media with money are dependent on cashflow from those who have some reason not to want the story to come out. It is the story of human history, I think.
When that choice inevitably confronts us, we choose survival and luxury over sharing and compassion. Who can blame us? There is always the handy excuse that it's simply too difficult to attempt to do both. Let those starving fellows go. There are simply too many people on the planet.
That's the real history. What gets regurgitated to us through our history books is really quite different.
I've been struck dumb recently reading a book about the history of our so-called Founding Fathers and their creation of our so-called Constitution. They sound like a bunch of savage neocons. Democracy was the farthest thing from their mind. Property ownership was everything. For purposes of tallying population to proportionalize states' shares of federal largesse, they counted black people as three-fifths of a person.
And if you think the 2000 election in Florida exuded the stench of a back-country latrine, you should check out how they ramrodded a Constitution past a mostly illiterate electorate in 1776. Just like the way they do politics today: by bribing the wavering opposition, fast-talking the rest, and rigging the vote. And of course promising those who oppose the idea that they will have an opportunity to make changes "down the road." Ah, the ubiquitous promise of tomorrow.
That's where the Bill of Rights came from, you know. As a reluctant afterthought to the original Constitution, a concession to those with consciences after the baronial landowners had set the whole deal up to assure the dominance of merchants and landowners over the common folk. And it has been the same kind of rigged deal ever since, as you can clearly see by the nature of public participation today. It takes more than a few million just to get into the game, just like it was way back when.
That's why I get a little sad, a little nervous, when Patriot types rise up and say, "We have to return to our Constitutional principles." Because it wasn't so good a deal to begin with. The seeds of empire were sown, and the rest is bloody history.
And honesty? Allegiance to a noble ideal? They teach us in school to put our hands on our hearts and promise to kill anybody who gets in the way of the big red, white, and blue machine. We never really know what they're talking about, but we think it's good and do what they say. Only later, very much later, do we understand the devil's bargain we have made. We will kill whomever we choose to get whatever we want. And from this feral promise, the faithful grow teary-eyed over American patriotism.
This is about the distance toward enlightenment that any civilization has ever traveled. And today we sit squarely in this location, watching the blood-drenched boys brought home in secrecy, and the flag-waving mothers with brave but glazed eyes waxing eloquently hollow about patriotism and the sainted Founding Fathers.
But when the tears are dried, and the expendable chess pieces laid to rest, the eternal question remains: shall we be honest, or shall we eat well?
And thus we come to yet a further irony, one for which I am forced to admit my father might have been right.
I made my choice and don't regret it. But I don't eat well. For the past two years I have been combing every nook and crannie of cyberspace to try and discover what it is that makes us tick (and sick), and more precisely, to identify the facile strategies used by so many to shoot to kill. I understand their way of doing things is very profitable, and from that standpoint don't really blame them. After all, animal nature is all about predation, and perhaps they're just behaving naturally..
But somewhere along the line I got a message that humanity is something more than that. Being blessed/cursed by the knowledge of our limited time frame instills in us a higher realization. That we are gifted with the knowledge of mimicking the beauty we have been given, and to not live up to that responsibility is truly a sin. Most of the population, regardless of what they say on Sunday, do not do that. Which is why we're in the fix we're in - facing extinction because we've poisoned the garden that sustains us.
What I really believe, as many of you know, is that we are committing suicide as a species because we've never been willing to confront the terms of the deal we've been given when we are born, and instead pretend that we are immortal, invent strategies to convince ourselves of this delusion, and kill others who oppose our methods of achieving this objective. If we were immortal, that would make us the only thing in the universe - except the universe itself - that actually WAS immortal. So how stupid an idea is that?
Still, the question of whether we are immortal - as well as the one of whether we are honest - need not bear that much on our lives. As long as you can manifest kindness and compassion, you can pretty much live up to your human potential. You don't need to follow any silly rules. You just need to be kind and thoughful, and understand that the other fellow is in the same boat as you are, no matter what his color or his habits.
So that's why I've tried to point out lies, hypocrisies, behaviors that hurt others. And, if I may be so bold, that's why you like to read what I scribble onto this computer screen. I have tried to be honest, because that's what friends are for.
But as I said, and have learned repeatedly over these chaotic years of the late 20th century, to be honest is to be poor, because honesty doesn't sell well. Honesty does not lend itself well to markups and fire sales, and if we all were honest in this disease called usury that has enveloped world society like a poisoned fog, perhaps we'd all be broke. Perhaps I have been wrong about everything I've said.
However, not having a boss, a corporate watchdog, censoring my thoughts and limiting my suggestions has enabled me to cut right to the chase on so many issues without fear of alienating advertisers or offending politicians who might be providing legal advantages that enable my employer to cut corners and increase profits. No, what you get from me is the whole story as much as I can comprehend it, with no restrictions due to so-called commercial or political realities.

(continued at link -
Posts: 52

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« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2004, 03:54:09 AM »

Hello Iyah 360: I see there has been discovey of the curious Mr. Rense and his site and J. Kaminsiki.  I've been having an on and off again discussion with both.  Mr. Rense has a very selective and marginal view on Africa.   The Rense site is very usefull and it is open to influencing, which I have  done.  You will note some of the problems if you care to read the following reply to J. Kaminski on his latest appearing on the Rense site.  A great and positive power could be unleashed by elements of  Af. speaks site reasoning with the elements who favor the Rense site (quite diverse actually) It is indeed ironic that certain factors in the "conservative" camp are the most authentic anti-imperialists right now.   The "Democrats" are actually plan B for full steam ahead in military expansion.   Well, here is my reply to John on one of his latest:  

Dear John: Of course the 911 truth out movement, or whatever, is filled with cointelpro disinformation specialists.  The hydra like internet rumor mill is a perfect vehicle for this.  There is no better propaganda than selective truth mixed with lies, re-mixed and untimately confusing and distorting what might have originated as authentic, patriotic investigation into the lie machine.  This is called a "mixed bag" I beleive. There are a number of famous or infamous web sites that engage in this - hollow earth, astrology, aliens, old science fiction plots re-engineered into conspiracy theories without evidence.  Personality cults surrounding 50-50 soothsayers.  Those of us who went through the 60's and 70's cointelpro phenomenon know this well.  Many who rant and rave the loudest are paid best.

Regarding the great unwashed and the failure to appreciate the obvious - there is perhaps a colder version than what your well thought out prose implies.  The majority of the American public knows full well that this is all a lie.  They do not care.   The lie is an official cover for our own conspicous consumption, gluttony and resultant imperialism.  It is a comfort.  If the tacit approval is not conscious it is at least subconscious.  But it is always there.  Thank you for including me in your posts.  I've been down this road before and I am not sure it is worth it. Eventually, "they" work through the family and friends.  Only you will beleive it when it starts happening, no one else can accpet the time honored strategy of hostage taking. We have whole populations of hostages in this country, the flip side of immigration and imperialism that Mr.Rense cannot bring himself to discuss on his site, I imagine due to commercial reasons - potential offense to the listenership there. Simple zenophobia is best.

It is the same with the view on South Africa on that site.   While the Palestenian plight and the battle for regaining their homeland from those awful zionist jews is trumpeted on the page, the horror show that was and is still apharteid and the bed that White Colonialists made for themselves is off limits tø discussion.   Mr.Rense doesn't even understand the linkage between Israel, Zionism, apharteid and the same common complicity in this most malevolent crime against humanity by "average" people of the white elite.  The truth and reconciliation protocols of South Africa were a joke.  They utterly failed to bring to justice some of the most despicable criminals in history, financed and backed by Britain, Holland, and most importantly, the neo-confederate British backed power structure now in charge ø? this country.  Most of the feinds of BOSS and Operation Coast , etc, are alive and well in Texas and California and they are feeding the Rense site with simplistic prattle from "DARKEST AFRICA".

Some Rense disciples have an outright hostile view of Africa, perhaps based on Christian Patriotism (sons of Ham) that AFrica is an eternally self destructive pit of evil.  Is that what you think?  There are so many voices out there to contribute to what your are trying to bring to the public that could only be offended by what they read on the Rense site.

Imperialism and destruction wrought by European Expansion and US mecernary complicity is lambasted over and over again on the Rense site when it involves the "holy land" ,  but when it comes to the "sons of ham" it's their own internal "evil" or "less than subhuman" character(words that have appeared on the REnse site).  It has gone from sublime to ridiculous when articles by the expat S.African reconquista element appear saying that recolonization is fundamental to the improvement of the savages lot, while in other areas ø? super power proxy wars, it is our barbarity and manipulation causing the catasptrophe.  Rense has even opined that AIDS is a chemical warfare conspiracy (probably right), while at the same time proclaiming that Africans would be better off to accept the the same conspirators overlordship, post decimation.

Maybe that is why you are not getting the response you think you deserve, you have offended natural allies in the struggle.  There is still time, but if you can't honestly examine the ruthless and deadly cointelpro  in your midst (the S.African international mercenary and assasin network is one of the most brutal and effective in the world, operating right now in Iraq.) you cannot expect their one time  and future victims, the most trashed and oppressed element of humanity in the last 5 centuries, to reason with you on subjects you have so much to contribute to.  Iraq is a side show!

good luck to you.....and Jeff Rense

9/11 probe?
The joke?s on us

6.7 million Americans are in jail,
but Kean panel refused
to investigate the crime;
worse, alternative explanations
fail to convince public
that coverup happened

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