
GENERAL => Poetry => Topic started by: Moon-Shine on August 21, 2006, 04:03:40 PM

Title: Vision
Post by: Moon-Shine on August 21, 2006, 04:03:40 PM
No religion, just faith
Time to transcend hate
No black, no white
No yellow, no red
Just different shades of brown
No male, no female
Just people
No young, no old
Just souls
One human race
That's our goal

Title: Re: Vision
Post by: three_sixty on August 22, 2006, 04:33:53 PM
whose goal?

Title: Re: Vision
Post by: Moon-Shine on August 22, 2006, 08:34:18 PM
People for universal love, Jah soldiers, Real Rastas, Unifiers...

Please take into consideration it's a poem, under the "poetry" section. That means you can read different interpretations into it. But I assure you you'll be able to see the light in it if you open your mind. I've read a lot of your posts three_sixty and I feel you're a bright person.

Well ok, I didn't wanna have to do this but I'll go through it line by line and suggest an iterpretation.

"No religion, just faith
Time to transcend hate"
- Religion being oppressive institutions enslaving the minds of masses in need of Jah in their lives.

"No black, no white
No yellow, no red
Just different shades of brown"
-This does not mean criticism of ethnical identity. I just wanted to say that were all people. All god's beloved children regardless of color.

"No male, no female
Just people"
-This doesn't mean I want everyone to be hermaphrodites. I just want to see all oppression wither and vanish. And women are still, and certainly have been, very oppressed.

"No young, no old
Just souls"
-Babylon "culture" overvalues youth and age discrimination is a form of oppression many people experience. If not directly, at least internally in feeling their value as a human decreases with age.

"One human race
That's our goal"
-Who's goal more specifically: Haile Selassie I, Bob Marley, Jesus, John Lennon, Freddie Mercury, Bill Hicks... Unity of humanity is the goal of very many people. Including me.

I'm not sure why you ask. Could you please tell me? I can think of two reasons right now:
*To test me and check if I know what I'm saying or if I'm just naive.
*A feeling that you don't agree with what you interpreted in the poem, and wanted to know who really has this as a goal.

Title: Re: Vision
Post by: three_sixty on August 23, 2006, 04:48:12 AM
thanks for sharing and the "breakdown."

please don't take the following as indicitive of your intent - i am just pointing out the IMPORTANCE of fleshing out ideas such as the ones you mention.

words can mask intentions, as exemplified by the thread on the word thug and the evolving and co-optation that goes on with words. the vision and goal of one human race, one world, global village, etc.  are catchphrase that has been co-opted by global-lie-zers. it is dangerous territory for ones fighting for cultural self-determination, how can we say we all should be one when the globalizing force has consistantly categorized some as "no ones?" there  can be no peace without justice . . . that is my point - it is good to see where ones stand when they mention such ideologies as one love.

empire speaks the language of flowery grand schemes historically. the outcomes past and present are abundantly apparant. . .

" . . . The "aspiring minds" of the new generation, as shown by R. Elser, saw the whole earth as England's imperial "Oyster" to be "opened" by Englishmen's intellectual, political, military, commercial and geographic "grand schemes," "mighty designs," "romantic models," as they called them. They dreamed, in Raleigh's words "to seek new worlds for gold, for praise, for glory." . . .  Bacon's goal for a "total reconstruction of science, arts and all human knowledge" to serve England and by it humanity." -


Title: Re: Vision
Post by: Moon-Shine on August 23, 2006, 03:05:36 PM
I hear you... I am always happy to explain myself to someone who seems genuinly interested, but I've also experienced people who no matter what I say twist my words into something evil or naive. As they've already prejudged me as such and try their utmost to see that in my words. I don't waste my time anymore on people who've got a fixed view of me that I have to defend.

"The first thing you must know about me is that I always stand what I stand for. Good? The second thing you must know about yourself listening to me is that words are tricky. So when you know what me a stand for, when me explain a thing to you, you must never try to look 'pon it in a different way from what me a stand for."

Bob said it best:)

Title: Re: Vision
Post by: three_sixty on August 24, 2006, 04:35:19 PM
our vision is based on our perspective(which we can mistake for objectivity). it is good to be called to terms - one problem i've run into is sometimes thinking another person's criticism is a front behind which they hide their ego or superiority trip(which may reflect our own tendency to do the same in "reasoning.") . this is hard to overcome, as we are taught in this culture to be competitive and be "one up" on another.

it is good to keep these things in check within oneself - and like all habits, they do indeed die hard and it can be a struggle.
