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1  GENERAL / General Board / Re: The Recession’s Racial Divide on: October 09, 2009, 09:42:58 AM
Actually, this whole economic mess is an exercise of mind over matter.

As we know, matter is temporal/temporary  The entire industrialized world is feeling it.  What was once considered a material value has now become lessor.

Yet, our spiritual selves are still intact  (unless we based our spirituality upon materiality - if so, we are in big trouble)

We are still is still in existence...TRUE family and TRUE friendship is still amongst us.

Let us look at this as a TRUTH REVELATION instead of a detriment or unfortunate occurrence.

Let us look at these so-called discomforts as a reminder of what the exploited and oppressed go through yet still have the will to go on.

Explain the effects of this "recession" on the poorest of the poor.
2  GENERAL / General Board / Re: The Recession’s Racial Divide on: October 08, 2009, 03:26:37 PM
Let me add:

*******America was already economically 'collapsed' as of the symbolic downing of the aptly named "World Trade Towers".   Borrowed (thus false) money is what kept America appearing to be financially viable and this money was generated by the sub-prime strategy. *******

Realistically, America was founded upon 'nothingness'.  The Civil War WAS indeed fought for slavery.  But not in a humanistic/moralistic sense but for the economics of slavery.  The South held a very strong independent advantage via the slave trade.  The Civil War was fought over the taxes and profits of slavery.

Sub-prime like slavery created 'wealth' from nothing.  The slaves were paid NOTHING and those who bought into the sub-prime lure ended up with NOTHING.

Sub-prime = neo-slavery

Sub-prime was but a contrived false 'equal opportunity' illusion device for the purpose of deriving revenue from hope and speculation.  In other words, sub-prime was a manipulated religious (unseen/intangible) implementation that caused ALL levels of the economy to compile false data from false revenue that was based SOLELY on debt.

The 2000's represented the floating on contrived layers upon layers of debt revenue that never substantially existed.  It was nothing but monopoly money.
Imagine ones having the same wonderful hallucination.  Then imagine the massive sobering up and hangover.  That's where we are now, hungover from Clinton-era economic LSD.

Clinton - heroin pusher
Bush - raiding police
Obama - mescaline


Let us not be fooled into believing that the key targets of sub-primism were NOT poor whites and blacks.  That was the validation front.  The key targets were foreign investors.  The entire ordeal was a "long con" in order to spread the greed/hope/opportunity of the American illusion to the a virus.  The purpose was to cause those bought into the notions of capitalism (seeking material gain) to invest in America, be it stocks or real estate, the "twin towers" of American capital investment which unsurprisingly "crashed" both realistically and symbolically.

Notice the borders between Mexico and the US are no longer a hot topic.  They lured Mexicans over here to whet their beaks with the American dream.  They established bi-lingual edicts so that they could feel right at home.  They recruited Indian (already British-Western-indoctrinatees) doctors and schoolteachers to work in the urban communities.  The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island were in full virtual effect.

These "foreigners" sent plenty of money back home.  Many moved their families to America.  Either way, they bit into the appie...pie.  And now they are ashamed.  Now they have disproportionate debt.  They had their hit of financial crack cocaine.  Now they are hooked on America.

And just like a dope fiend EVERYONE is willing to do whatever it takes to get back to that financial "high" of the Clinton era.  And along comes a benign and friendly looking hope and faith and change-mongerer who promises the return of the "good ol days".  And EVERYONE is on board with whatever implementation the controllers plan to put in play.

See, when you are drowning, you reach for ANY life-preserver thrown to you.  You don't scrutinize it to see if it has vomit or feces or blood on it.  All you know is that it gives you the only chance of survival.  So now that we are about to drown after the Bush era Titanic sinking, we frantically reach for the Obamic life-preserver.  And we do not scrutinize it.  We save our asses...we save our children's asses.  We save our righteous/blessed country's ass.

We ship 18 year old boys to Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran.
We go along with Afrikan resource exploitation
We go along with fascist policies
We react to ANY contrived fear mechanism, be it swine flu or terrorism
We watch stereotypical NCIS shows
We believe mainstream censored/manipulated media
We follow secret-society pastors and politicians
We worry about conforming to social norms

WHATEVER IT TAKES TO GET THAT HIGH BACK.  And blacks and poor whites were invited to the illusion and took a bite thanks to the opportunities realized during the sub-prime strategies.


All of this mess, terrorism, the economic situation, global warming, the swine flu and this Mayan 2012 end-of the-world prophecy are ALL intended to keep us in a state of panic and fear.  Then, all they have to do is offer their 'solution' and we come a running...full fledge without question.  With fear and doom preoccupying our minds, we do not take the necessary time to communion with Nature.

We don't sleep right
We eat garbage
We watch garbage on TV
We play with a Blackberry or stare a monitor
Our children are mind-controlled by Xbox and other games

There was once upon a time when this message board along with others gave ones an opportunity to express their inner feelings and seek the self-truths that have been suppressed. 

Now its about mainstream media hearsay and gossip.

The WHOLE DAMN SHOW is rotten and people are still clinging onto their notions.

What happened to you Rootsie?
What happened to consciousness and development and truth-seeking?

None of the staff is posting anymore.  WHY NOT?  too busy???
Too busy doing what?  What WEREN'T you busy doing in 2003 or 2005 that is so important now?

Just look at the dates of most of the articles and posts.  Look at the inactivity now.  Was this 'reasoning' thing but a fad?  Its as if they put something in the water to shut this type of thinking down.

Has George Orwell's "1984" happened?
3  GENERAL / General Board / Re: The Recession’s Racial Divide on: October 06, 2009, 02:05:34 PM
My question is: why then is it called "the recession's" racial divide?  Basically, the divide/discrepancies which already exist are simply maintained via the recession.  It is indeed "America's" or "Capitalism's racial divide".

The problem is that many of us are so bought into the culture and philosophy of capitalism and Western society that we want to extrapolate and highlight various symptoms instead of analyzing/critiquing the entire foundation.  Bad soil produces poisonous fruit.

We have to realize that in this "new age", the methods of our oppression is ALWAYS fueled/supported by our own complicity.  Our complicity is but the results of our already being indoctrinated via education/religion/entertainment, etc.  Hierarchy (more/higher) is God.  Money is God.  Comfort is God.  Technology is God. 

So why do ones act confused when Americans simply sought more/higher God.

higher/more money...higher/more comfort...higher/more technological advances.
Blue Ray anyone?  Blackberry anyone?  Wi-Fi anyone? Wii anyone?

Bigger house.
Larger yard.
Bigger SUV.
More education.
Higher salary.
Bigger TV screen.
Higher definition.
Faster downloads.
Fasted connections.

To single-out and blame the recent economic "meltdown" is shortsighted and protectionist.  It is the American way of life.  The inevitable by-product of capitalism is constant stretching and pulling which will result in a snap.  I believe Marx had a theory about this very development and it is coming to fruition.  (and ones wonder why Obama has socialist tendencies)

America was already economically 'collapsed' as of the symbolic downing of the aptly named "World Trade Towers".   Borrowed (thus false) money is what kept America appearing to be financially viable and this money was generated by the sub-prime strategy.  See, sub-prime marketing was an intentional pyramid/ponsi implementation to create money from 'nothing'.  (look up "mortgage elimination" - the argument is that the banks never hold an asset to loan money in the first place - it is manufactured from nothing by promissory notes - YOUR promissory note - yet you now have a 30-year debt called a mortgage)

Notice that 'sub-prime' meant that those with "challenged" credit and lower incomes could qualify for loans.  Well what did these poor black folk who now possessed "carte-blanche' in America do next?  The bought cars...and homes...and ate unlimited shrimp platters at Red Lobster...and furnished those homes by shopping at Home Depot...and hired contractors to install those items from Home Depot...and bought gas with those new cars...and used that gas to travel and stay at hotels and resorts...and those contractors who were hired and got plenty of work themselves were able to buy homes and new pickup trucks and new tools at Home Depot...and so the employees of Home Depot bought homes and new cars and ate at Red Lobster...and on and on and on...

Put it this way, how many cars and lobsters and new houses and real estate commissions and sales manager's commissions and property taxes and windows and ceramic tiles and new jacuzzi tubs and pergo floors and gallons of paint would have been sold if they did NOT implement "sub-prime" financing???

Banks would have crashed YEARS AGO.
GM would have collapsed YEARS AGO.

This mess would have happened RIGHT AFTER the dot-com collapse.
In fact, WorldCom and Enron only exposed the falsifications that have ALWAYS occurred in business accounting.  It was simply false hope and anticipation (along with false/borrowed cash flow) that kept up the illusion.

Sub-prime was life-support for a comatose ALREADY greedy society just to be delivered/saved by your Barack Obama.  But the price is to be paid by the rest of the world...just ask developing countries in Afrika (Hosanna Obama!!!) and Afghanistan and Iran who is on the on-deck circle at bat next.


It is easy to say you got a bad toe or bad fingernail than to have to analyze your whole body and mind.  Egotistical solutions for egotistical mindsets...DENIAL.

There is mainstream information which is distributed not to cause shocking discomfort to the masses...and there is shocking hidden truth.

You will not find too much shocking truth in the New York Times...or do you really think so?

4  GENERAL / General Board / Re: Julius Lester on Racism and Anti-Semitism on: September 04, 2009, 11:58:56 AM
You giant hypocritical crybaby.

I point out that Rootsie was out of line for including "rastafari speaks" in the same breath as anti-semtism and I ask for proof against what I am saying...and you bellyache about my reasoning delivery/compatibility like a little girl.

That's a weak cop out to escape the heat.  Typical maneuvering.

For one thing, Rootsie stopped addressing me when you entered the picture.  Did you not notice that?  Did you notice that the first thing I asked was for a citing of those alleged anti-semitic remarks? 

Did you ever see a citing???

But you could not waltz in and co-sign her statement fast enough.  And then you play the "I didn't read yet" BS.

The bottom line is that you people want topics like this to just go away because the evidence it too concrete.  All you can do like a semitic lawyer is deflect and filibuster and affiliate but you refuse to zero in like I am willing to do.

Plain and simple.  Your comfort zone is rocked and you are grabbing for straws as identities, culpabilities and causes are examined with the typical hiding behind the anti-semite card and the "they did it too" card.

And you got this "holocaust" card that shrinks and shrinks every year.  Did you know it has been revised downward from "6 million jews" to "6 million people".

Here we have a REAL holocaust with Amerindians reduced to concentration camps.   We have people from Afrika with barely any attachment to their indigenous un-tampered cultures.  And we have this "evil european man" who has destroyed the entire planet's harmony who was empowered by religious amalgamation and you want to talk about Mithra???  And Rootsie wants to associate a reasoning board with anti-semitism???

You are both joined at the hip.

Show me how the semitic culture has been destroyed or tampered and a certain religion and holy-writs have been shoved down their throats and we can discuss the similarities of anti-semitism and racism. 

But until then, which is never, you know as well as I do that your pet Zoroastrianism and Mithraism and Persian-centrism do not hold a candle to the current manifestations of semitism which have wrecked havoc across the entire globe.

I have asked and asked for refute.  But all you can do is waltz and sing and dance with some other accomplices instead of discussing the indictment against what I call "semites".

So now I have smoked out 2 semitic protectionists...I am looking for the rest of you.

Anti-semitism is the product of semitism.

It began with the mindset of anti-paganism.

So next, I should begin a reasoning of the Speaks with "I am saddened by the anti-paganism and semitic protectionism on European Roots..."

360, your fence-riding politically-correct days are over.  You are exposed.  Reasoning is not about tongue massaging or vernacular art.  It is about TRUTH.

But you have taken the comfort path instead.  Very disappointing but not surprising.

5  GENERAL / General Board / Re: Julius Lester on Racism and Anti-Semitism on: September 03, 2009, 02:25:59 AM
******I think it would also be good to do a comparative study of other imperial(isms) throughout the world - ones that may not necessarily have the influence of any of the players we are discussing here.*******

The world is not being massacred and exploited and depleted by those holding Mithraic or Zoroastrianistic or other imperialistic principles.   The world is being terrorized CLEARLY and PRESENTLY by those who are indoctrinated with non-paganic, sole-male-God it Judaic, Christian, or Islamic, you will see a similar track record and wake of destruction by each branch...regardless of "who did it too or beforehand".  That's like absolving Obama of any complicity by bringing up what Bush did before him.  TODAY, we are under the 'regime' of Obama.  And nothing has changed.

I would stand firmly AGAINST any push to incriminate Bush of anything without naming Carter, Clinton, Bush 1 and Obama as co-defendants.

In my dictionary, the definition of 'pagan' is a person who is not xtian, moslem or jew.  Boy, pagan is a very vague grouping isn't it?  So why can't I use "semitism" in the same context.

Explain the empirical differences between either of the Semitic-3...they all call for a messiah...they all call for damnation to outsiders/gentiles...they all call for male supremacy and female subservience...they all call for a jealous, angry, wrathful, spooky, ass-whuppin detached God...and they ALL demonize/inferiorize/terrorize 'earth-dwellers', those who lived upon nature.

And I supposed be delighted and a ease to know that Kungans and Mithraics and Kurds and Zoroastrianists and Persians and Akkadians and Mesopotamians or whoever else did some dirt too?!?!

Maybe some semites would feel comfortable with that but not I.

It would not make me feel better about my family being murdered in their home knowing that Charles Manson did the same thing about 40 years ago.

Show me the DIVINE JUSTIFICATION in a Mithric holy-text that justifies my CURRENT people's land invasions and enslavement...I eagerly await.

Going back in history just to find some sort of absolution is escapist.

Actually, to respond to your inclusion of Kemetic sources, I think you are DEAD ON when it comes to the analysis of Egypt as a source.  Egypt was in fact an "empire".  Empire does not mean hugs and smiles for the masses.  But regardless, we are not both under an unliberated planet because of Kemetians but by those who have extrapolated and mastered power/control mechanisms from the Afrikan/Kemetic entirety.

Egypt is known as the foundation of Western civilization.  The secret societies know and practice this.  The Semitic-3 are nothing but manifestations of control upon the masses by these societies.

Also, you basically admitted that singular-male-Godism (monotheism) was shared by the most notorious oppressors throughout history. 

You nor Rootsie can find me an example of a supreme-sole female-god culture that oppressed and/or invaded other lands.  Nor can you absolve semites from complicity.

My people were not massacred and enslaved, nor was the activity bankrolled by white european pagans.  EVERY aspect of the oppression of the people of the Afrikan continent was done by the hand of some male in the semitic family, one way or another.

Why not refute that last statement and send me to bed.
6  GENERAL / General Board / Re: Julius Lester on Racism and Anti-Semitism on: September 02, 2009, 12:48:57 AM
Before I respond, I just want to let you know that you basically completely refuted Rootsie's premise of the sourcing/roots of the worldwide terrorism being "evil european man".

Unless you can cite in her original post where what you stated was touched upon.
7  GENERAL / General Board / Re: Julius Lester on Racism and Anti-Semitism on: September 01, 2009, 05:21:49 PM
****Richard Frye of Harvard (The Heritage of Persia) thought the Persian kings had a concept of “One World” and the “fusion of all people and cultures” in one “Oecumen” was their important legacy, inherited by Alexander, the Romans and the Arabs. In ancient times “culture” essentially was religion."****

There is no argument to this.  However, you will not find an assembly of texts that have been forced upon the masses from the Persians or Greeks or Mithrans or Romans.

In other words, semitism is self-indicted by its own writs.

As we can see by today's human behavior, once we are detached from harmony with nature, we fall into chaos.  Religion re-tied/replaced this chaos/void with a notion of order which had a detrimental side-effect.  This was the acceptance of the hierarchical arrangements as dictated by holy-writs and edicts implemented by the controlling/ruling class (those mentioned 'evil european men').

This is the foundation of "whiteness".  There was no whiteness awareness per se before the conversion to christianity.  Christianity manifested a worldview amongst the Europeans of superiority by the will and grace of GOD ALMIGHTY.  Who dared argue that?  This divine superiority fueled the expansive endeavors of the Age of Discovery, Enlightenment, Renaissance, etc.

There was not even racism during Columbus's travels.  There was ANTI-PAGANISM.  It was upon the complete conversion of Europe to semitic xtianity that non-saved infidelism, demonization and inferiorization was attributed to those with pigmentation (non-whites) and women, thus the birth of whiteness/racism (white MALE supremacy) borne from xenophobia and ethnocentrism.  Before this, the Normans vs. the Vikings vs. the Nordics vs. the Anglos vs. the Germanics vs. the Slavics was business as usual.

Ironically, everyone had their own stinking, filthy unwashed "gentiles".  Anti-semitism is a result of xtians looking at jews as gentiles in their minds...the xtians look at arabs as gentiles...and ALL THREE look at Afrikans and others as gentiles.


"...isms, schism and more divisions", right 360?

I even had the wisdomism/ageism card played when Rootsie continuously states how old she is (I will not repeat, lol).

We just get bought into all these notions and we lose focus of the Omnipresent truths that surround us, of course tainted by man-made identities.

We are supposed to be seeking truth, from my assumption of these blogs and forums.  This reasoning proves that indoctrinated identities, including religion, nationality, race, etc., are the obstacles that prevent our harmonic unity.

Instead of playing the "well what about others" card.  I think it would be productive and progressive to our development if we FIRST analyzed what we have been engrained with and accept as our identity.

I have more than analyzed and criticized what it means to be a MALE and my own privileges, contributions and complicity to the oppression.  All I ask is if others are willing to do the same.

Rootsie has been at the forefront of identifying her own complicity and contributions via whiteness.  And it is commendable.  In fact, I think very highly of her for doing so.  But whiteness is not the only categorization that needs analysis.

By the defense/protection mechanisms alone should we suspect something behind the veil.

As I have said before, you know where the treasure vault is by the number of guards protecting it.

THE BASIS/SOURCE OF ANTI-SEMITISM IS SEMITISM ITSELF.  Its the chicken come home to roost.
8  GENERAL / General Board / Re: Julius Lester on Racism and Anti-Semitism on: August 30, 2009, 03:58:14 PM
Why do you keep associating my statements with "Jews"?  You talk about ME not reading someone's posts.  I made that point crystal clear I thought in my first response...and I also clarified it in my post on other boards, namely that good ol' anti-semitic breeding ground, Rastafari Speaks, according to you.

I asked you to specifically cite the anti-semitic statements you response.

This is getting ridiculous.

It is typical european and semite protectionism to use the "well look at them" card...we aren't the only "bad" people on Earth.  If the Japanese or Aztecs had taken over and tainted the entire planet then perhaps we would be looking into their ideologies/foundations...but they did not.

EUROPEANS DID and are still at it.

I asked you to tell me specifically which european tribe/clan these "evil european men" belonged to who you concluded were responsible for the folly.  And you criticize others for 'generalizing' yet leave a generalized statement like that on the table.

C' are satisfied with the 'big bad evil european man' conclusion?

My argument is that european man was corrupted by semitic ideology.
My argument is that semitic ideology is responsible for white/male supremacy.

First of all, semitic ideology amalgamated europe into a world order, in their case based upon the semitic branch of christianity.  Secondly, because semitism is associated with a universal/omnipresent/supreme God, it sanctions the same replicated behavior by men who buy into it here on Earth.  God created a planet for your disposal...with your authorized dominion.  So 'bad european man' simply acted upon his divine responsibilities in his mind.

Like father, like son.
Monkey see, monkey do.
As above, so below.

If this did not originate from a spiritual justification supported by holy-writs and divine directorates then hone me in the right direction.  Edify me.

What made Europe so powerful?
Was not Europe unified and regulated by the Papal superiority catholic wing of semitic religion?
Catholics do/did encompass the Old Testament into their canon don't they?

*******I'm here to say that the Goddess is alive and well in the person of Mary in people's hearts and in countless astonishing treasures, for all the good it ever did the people of Spain, who have suffered so much.*******

Please spare me this "the mother is revered in Spain" thing.  Mary was just some lady who followed divine orders and was utilized to give birth.  The "Blessed Virgin" did a good job and played an important role for God.  You are not going to tell me that Mary is on par with the Creator in Spain or anywhere else.

Are you so indoctrinated by male supremacy that you are accepting of subservient and contributory females...good ol' Betsy Ross?  good ol' Florence Nightingale?  good ol' Ruth?  good ol' Mary of Magdalene?   It reminds me of the legend of some good black man who helped Jesus carry his cross.  Ahh shucks, what a good guy.

And while you are at it, also edify me on this horrible holocaustic Spanish suffering.  I am eager to here of their enslavement and other atrocities...and for the simply reason of being Spanish.
9  GENERAL / General Board / Re: Julius Lester on Racism and Anti-Semitism on: August 29, 2009, 06:58:53 PM
give thankhs for the elaborated response.

I see that you have included moslems within the 'semitic' umbrella along with jews.  All we need to analyze is the christian impact and we have covered the 3 families of the semitic mafia.

*******I would not place historical culpability on one group or ideology - that would be generalization - I would rather explore how different cultures interacted and amalgamated.*******

But why spite 'generalizing' just for the sake of not generalizing?  What if the shoe fits?

Why could we not seek if in fact "THE" ideology of divine sanctioning via those chosen to implement the sanctioning (as shared by xtians, moslems and jews alike) is the foundation of ALL ills imparted by Europeans across the globe.

Otherwise, help me identify some other ideologies/sources that may be culpable.

What could be a stronger influence on human behavior other than the indoctrination of 'The Father' God-force which is singular, detached, angry, and punitive for those who do not comply...not to mention the demotion of 'The Mother'.  If a mother were included within the divinity structure on par with the father, humans would naturally place the same value upon feminine essences/qualities instead of demonizing and inferiorizing them as does ALL of the semitic/monotheistic triad.

10  GENERAL / General Board / Re: Julius Lester on Racism and Anti-Semitism on: August 24, 2009, 02:40:03 PM
and this suffering is absolved by concluding that "boys will be boys"?

*******Look at the Romans and the Greeks before them:they were all about 'the natural order' that is slavery, war for profit, total suppression of women and every other ugly thing, and they revered Athena and Aphrodite and Isis, the Greek's main spiritual ha'aj was to Eleusis to re-enact the story of Demeter and Persephone. I read somewhere that the building of temples to goddesses was in itself an indication that the time of the Great Mother was already long past. These were not Semitic people.*******

Perhaps the problem is that you are associating my usage of Semitism with a certain tribe/group of people.

I am referring to an ideology which concurs with your premise of "bad/evil men".

I am also stating that the poison of the world began with this "bad man" syndrome coupled with the indoctrination that these evil actions are ORDAINED/SANCTIONED by none other than a sole detached Supreme Divine Male.  So the actions of these evil men are justified.

Just because some female deities were revered does not mean that ones did not possess a semitic mentality.  Semitism did not begin with people known as "semites" (descendants of Shem).  Those people should be called "Shemites" but semites, in my context, are those who accept a semi-truthful version of divine reality.  That semi-truth is the elevation of the masculine/linear essence in lieu of the HOLISTIC inclusion of the feminine essence...

Semitism is the egocentric ideology of anything or anyone being partial, incomplete, fractured or detached from everything else.

Man having "dominion" as sanctioned in the first chapter of semitic scripts comes to mind.  God being jealous and angry comes to mind.  And certain folks being favors to God also comes to mind.

So why is it so hard to realize that "european men" became a victim of his own deification of

-"I am special" (chosenism)
-"that is mine" (dominion)
-"I am mad, I want it,  and I'll take it from you" (jealous and angry)

As above, so below...monkey see, monkey do.

All European man has done is placed himself in the position of the chosen Hebrews and looked at every corner of the Earth as his Zion.

But don't you worry one bit there.  No one is talking about your "little tribe from Canaan".

It so happens that the Greeks and Romans you mentioned did not take over the entire globe neither.   That honor goes to Europeans who somehow (not by conspiracy of course) ascertained power by merging into one semitic xtian religion from the many tribal pagan followings.  "E pluribus unum".  (somehow building a united state out of many that currently happens to be immersed in the alleged defense of as the result of a terror attack for 'supporting' another established state called Israel...and attacked by none other than another semitic offshoot)

Could you perhaps enlighten me and tell me which particular European tribe's ideology produced these "evil European males"?  or are are YOU generalizing now?

Is it a Saxon thing?
an Anglo thing?
a Baltic thing?
an Aryan thing?
Norman?, Frank?, Scandinavian?, Celtic?. Slavic?, Germanic?


This "persecution of Jews" is constantly brought up yet there is rarely mention of the persecution of moslems which continues presently in Georgia and just recently in Yugoslavia via so-called "ethnic cleansing".

Have you ever thought that maybe pagan "freedom fighters" who were mindful of the sweeping conversions to semitism (xtianity, judaism, islam) only had the strength to engage Jews and Moslems since Christianity was so widespread and powerful by being sanctioned/utilized by the power elite?

The semitic umbrella is simply a replication of the Kemetic  legend.

Judaism is Osiris
Xtianity is the revised/ascended Osiris, Horus
Islam is Set, the evil twin to Osiris

Combined, these 3 Sole-Macho-Male Exclusive Detached divinity social constructs have been the scourge of the Earth.  They are the basis of New World Order which of course you conveniently dismiss as "conspiratorial rubbish".

What I think you are missing in my response is that I am identifying "semitism" as a mentality.  It is a mentality of divinely justifying male supremacy.   In other words, Semitism in the context that I am using, came about before this tribe of Canaan.  But this tribe of Canaan however did master the extrapolation of the limited truths that semitism offers and, as you said, are still unified to this day.

That unification is not by happenstance.

There is a unification because there is an elite/chosenist/separatist doctrine.  And observers have studied this doctrine and simply adopted it into their endeavors. 

Humans have always revered collective forces that appeared greater than themselves.  In the indigenous worldview, these forces are everywhere and found within everything.  So there is no hierarchical distinction causing the neglect and de-emphasis of certain components.  But when these forces are galvanized upon a single representation with a male persona, it elevates the phenotype (men) along the same lines.

So you have man's will being attributed to God's will.
You have the separation of the feminine essence and inferiorization of it.
You also have the detachment of divinity from within and concentrated upon this external masculinized persona.

Thus the concept of "God".  And it is this concept of God that the Shemites  (who were once themselves 'pantheistic') adopted and wrote about that became the adversary to peace and nature throughout the globe ever since.

Monotheists (semites) vs. THE WORLD

My point is that "anti-semitism" is a protectionist code-word to discourage true analysis of the premise of the God concept, as indoctrinated upon the continent of Europe.  Also what is lost in the fuss over the connotation of the anti-semitic jargon is that Christianity and Islam are also semitic but are strategically/intentionally eliminated from inference.

The "anti-semitism" code word prevents us from observing the true interconnectivity, prevalence, influence and power of the entire collective family.

Divide and conquer via diffusing the appearance and threat of its behemoth.
11  GENERAL / General Board / Re: Julius Lester on Racism and Anti-Semitism on: August 22, 2009, 08:49:20 PM
*****but to call this little tribe from Canaan that for some miraculous reason has managed to keep cohesion from that day to this, when so many others have virtually diasappeared with only place name that remember them, to call them the villains of the piece is just nuts.*****

What little tribe are you talking about?

I thought I made it clear that semitism (in my context) is not exclusive to jews???

And I never called ANYONE villains.

Do me a favor and cite where I said anything about this "little tribe from Canaan" (tribe of Judah, apparently) that you are obviously protectionizing.

And you want to inflame your stance by discrediting my premise with the good ol' "conspiracy theory" card?

NOTHING organized can occur without conspiracy. 

What, in your own words, do you think is wrong with "European man"?

What's the cause...what's the root, Rootsie?
12  GENERAL / General Board / Re: Julius Lester on Racism and Anti-Semitism on: August 22, 2009, 03:00:33 PM
*******In a 90 year period, Africans are enslaved, the burning of women as witches begins, Jews are expelled from Spain and segregated into ghettos and non-white cultures exterminated in this hemisphere. Why this unholy wedding of humanism with the degradation and murder of Africans, Jews, women, Incans and Aztecs?

The answer is in the word, man. European man has created a cohesive secular identity for himself: He is man and he is good. ********

Let us also not forget that in 1492, Columbus "discovered" a "New World" and the subsequent dogma of MANIFEST DESTINY

So why did 'European man' all of a sudden go berserk like that?

Do you not find it peculiar that European man did not have such extensive issues before being massively converted to Semitic Xtianity?

Some coincidence, eh?

Of course the insinuations behind the 'anti-semitic' stigma would prevent us from analyzing the fact that semitic/abrahamic man (converted europeans from pagan/indigenous/panentheistic spirituality to the masculine-pedestaled, feminine-eliminated supreme deity religion) is the common denominator behind such activities and mindsets.

Ironically, that 90 year period conveniently coincides with the triumphant conquering of one semitic religion (xtianity) over another (islam) following the "Holy Crusades".

Once man has it within his head that he is following the Supreme Being's (God's) will, he is capable of doing anything and justifying it.  Let us sight that everything you listed was done under the banner of following divine will and not sadism or hatred.

One of the tricks of the 'anti-semitism' card is the downplaying of the fact that semitism applies to "the Big 3" non-pagan religions of xtianity, islam as well as judaism.  There is more common ground amongst the spiritual views and practices of afrikan and european (and worldwide) indigenous/pagan cultures than there are between the Semitic umbrella and ANY other cultures etc.  Semitic religion is the oddball in comparison to worldwide religion yet somehow it has become the norm...the standard...the chosen/rightful religion.  EACH of them claim 'exclusive righteousness' in their doctrine.

Semitic divide and conquer techniques keep us in the dark and so preoccupied with our physical appearance differences that we do not desire to identify those similarities.

The true perpetrator plays the victim card very well.
13  GENERAL / General Board / Re: Transition United States on: February 26, 2009, 02:37:33 PM
Your post makes me want to know what is really bugging you.

ever heard of oppression?  ever heard of egotistical illusions?  That will give you a hint.

What is different and yes revolutionary about the possibilities which exist now is our ability to see ourselves as a whole planet in a vast web of connection.

What is this "NOW" you mention?  You act like the Temple was rebuilt.

Again and for the umpteenth time I ask you to answer my question--what is your vision for the future? What are we supposed to do in the meantime?

And I will answer to the umpteeth time.  The future is 1/3 of reality/truth.  The other two components are Past and Present.  We cannot do anything about the past except to TRUTHFULLY acknowledge it.  So before I move to third base I seek to securely grasp first (past) and second (present).  There are still lies that must be corrected in the past.  There is still the TRUTH about the foundation of this country that your consider 'great' and founded by 'great' men.  There is still the TRUTH about why this person...this drop of acid was placed in your midsts.

Just as much of the shenanigans of the hippy-era turned out to be an experiment by the powers, so is the entire 'democratic' structure.  The purpose of democracy was an offshoot of christianity and led by the same Constantinian/Greco-Roman dogma: "the means by which to conquer and rule".  And it has worked.  Christianity gave Europeans/whites egotistical and hierarchical class-status over the 'savage infidels'.  And then America (E pluribus unum - from many Europeans nations to ONE) gave Americans/whites egotistical and hierarchical over japs and krauts and dinks and slopes and gooks and chinks and spics and NOW rag-heads...again lowly infidels.

And for the new age, Obama shoots up the hallucinogen of rainbow-esque inclusion which just tickles white folks' fancies.  It is the stress relief they have been dying for...wanting to "just get along" so badly instead of IDENTIFYING, ADDRESSING AND REVERSING the implementations, just like the hippies.

Didn't you guys hold hands and sing songs and pass joints with black brothers and sisters yet NOT address the perpetual systematic applications?

Same thing today.  Obama is The Beatles.  Obama is Joplin.  Obama is Hendrix. 

And all of a sudden, there is a "NOW" attitude.  As if something is any different than under Bush or any other time for that matter.

I don't think Obama is just a figurehead. I don't think the fix is in. I think what we do about what we see matters. I don't think Obama himself matters all that much, as I said. I think something much bigger is afoot, and that Obama's appearance on the scene is catalyzing it. Just the feminine say you honor the feminine principle...

Aww don't patronize me with the "now you said you respect/honor the feminine and disciple, I am female" card.  If you really sight what I say you will notice that femininity and female are different.  Just being a wombman does not qualify anyone for representing the feminine overstandings.  Just like being male does not DISqualify anyone neither.

If you do not think Obama is a figurehead then you do not understand the country you so love.  Bush was a figurehead.  They are/were ALL figureheads.  See, you believe in the tooth-fairy.  And it is not hard to understand why.  You are loyal to both Christianity and Western society, both which affirm your identity as a white European.  That is why I am so surprised by your about-face.  You WERE on point when it came to peeling back the layers of false-truths especially as it pertained to what we cling onto in the area of "identity".  But the good ship Obama has thrown you a life raft from the self-misery of being white.  Now you can feel good about being white again.  No more guilt.   Doesn't make you FEEEEEEEEEEL GOOD to sit with blacks and chit-chat and smile (trip) about Obamic shrooms?  Is that not true?

And do you call that a "solution"?

Its the daisy age, part II.

And the same powers that chopped the heads off of 'my' guys: Malcolm and MLK are the same powers that chopped off the head of 'your' guys:  JFK, RFK, Joplin, Hendrix, Morrison, 4 'sacrifices' at Kent State, atrocities of the Manson Family.

BOOM!!! end of the 'revolution'.
BOOM!!! continuation of the same global imperialistic agenda

I understand your anger. I understand your grief.

And unfortunately that is the problem.  You understand anger and grief but you do not understand MINE.  Just as I do not understand yours.  That is an Obamic/MLK mindtrick to think that there is empathetic bonding when the foundation of our separation remains in place.   And this separation did not JUST begin in 1555 or with slavery.  It began with the semitic/monotheistic conversions of Europe.  It began with the spiritual hysterectomy and demonization of femininity.  Before then, we looked to the SAME stars and SAME sun and acknowledged and affirmed the SAME energies and forces, especially as related to the power of OUR own mothers, thus "The Great Mother".

And we are both under the thumb of male supremacists, particularly white/male supremacists beginning with and following the implementations of the Greeks.  Democracy (as practiced in the West) is an implementation of linear-thinking Greek men.

The ONLY true Unity is TRUTH.  You ask what I am "doing", I am ACKNOWLEDGING and AFFIRMING truth, FIRST.  And I cannot even get past acknowledging because ones are too caught up into their egotistical comforts and illusions.  Ones actually think that an Obamic election means something other than people giving in to illusions instead of WORKING to build reality.  Punching a chad and placing a bumper sticker on a car is THE EASY WAY OUT.

I heard Alice Walker on inauguration day say that's what life is about. Wise elder. She should know.

So its the good ol'  "Martin Luther King once said..."  "Frederick Douglas once said..."  "Paul Lawrence Dunbar once wrote..."  "Selassie I once said..."

You know what Rootsie, perhaps I could accept your stance better if your response started with:

White/male supremacy is subsiding/diminishing/reversing because...(fill in the rest)
The evil imperialism is is subsiding/diminishing/reversing because...(fill in the rest)
The masses are displaying their power and a revolution is in effect because...(fill in the rest)

Again I state.  The best way to curtail a REAL revolution is to give the illusion of one.  Why do you think a governmental mind-control pacification drug known as LSD was all of a sudden 'released' to you guys?  Your revolution was curtailed.

And black peoples' pacification drug of choice was called "desegregation".

Both mixed by the same pharmacists.

You mix King, Kennedy, Mao, Marx, Joplin and Hendrix and you got Obama today.
You mix acetone, ephedrine, drain cleaner and other chemicals  and you got methamphetamine today.

The NEW weed and LSD.
The NEW flower children.

Same thing, each "better" yet WORSE.

No LSD and no desegregation would have REALLY caused a revolution.  But instead, we still have US bombs destined for some non-white childrens' skulls somewhere in the world.

From Kennedy to Obama...
From Vietnam/Cambodia to Iraq/Afghanistan...
From the massa's house to the White House...

Yup, I see the CHANGE.
14  GENERAL / General Board / Re: Transition United States on: February 26, 2009, 12:33:31 AM
What I am talking about here is how, almost 50 years after the advent of spontaneous global communication, there are people on the ground all over the planet doing their little thing for the good of their communities,

I cannot argue about the decency of events and actions.  But what has changed?  When has there NOT been people doing little things for the good of their local communities?

and this is the ultimate revolution because it comes from the bottom up, is informed and grows by the understanding that similar struggles are taking place all over.

WHAT REVOLUTION, Rootsie???  All I ask for is an elaboration/explanation of this revolution. 

TRANSITION UNITED STATES?!?!  From what to what?  I'll tell you what.  From a white/male face of white/male supremacy to a push for global control with a smiling friendly colored face.  Yeah, transition from forceful violent rape to date rape with some roses laying on the pillow the next morning.

To me the fallacy of 'hippieism' lies in the arrogance and thinking that the right philosophy and the proper physical trappings are enough

You don't see similarities to today's "neo-hippieism"?

You know, actually I am out of line here.   I'll admit that because here I am actually judging not you, but your words.  I am judging your previous words of 2003 (when it seemed there must have been something in the water - there was a plethora/outpouring of self-truths and realizations and acknowledgments).  What I saw was boldness and honesty of looking in the mirror.  A boldness and honesty that helped me develop and also look in the mirror.

But now it seems you have jumped ship.  It seems you have taken the EASY path of smiles and comfort instead of continuing to address PRIVILEGE and the ills of WHITE/MALE SUPREMACY.  It is almost like ones have conceded to white/male supremacy and have instead chosen to "paint happy portraits" while locked in a prison.

Is it denial?
Is it concession?
Is it sick and tired of being sick and tired?
Is it giving up and giving in?
Is it Obamic absolution?

Let me use this analogy and tell me if I am on point.

I liken today's attitudes to Schindler from 'Shindler's List'.  Although he could not stop the actions of genocide, he saved as many people as he could.  Is that where we are going now?  Instead of identifying and challenging and addressing what makes us complicit with the controllers, we are instead just trying to maintain or reacquire sanity?  Are we 'Schindlering" our sanity?

Wel isn't that what LSD did?  Didn't LSD and weed soften the pain of what the generation that was born from the elation of WWII, the baby-boomers, REALIZED that the country really stood for and would never stop until the world was ruled?

Has that global power pursuit ended?

Is it possible that you simply got tired of "beating yourself up" and this "changist" transition has given you dressings and anesthesia for your self-inflicted wounds?

Is it possible that you have settled for the fact that the recent events have been something that most whites and most blacks can smile about, together...a political/racial kumbaya?

Because I do not see one indication of challenges to privileges nor white/male supremacy nor imperialism just because of a face-change.

Hippies stood for more TRUTHFULNESS than this propaganda "all aboardism" that they have thrown in our faces.   Dead children in Palestine and Afghanistan prove to me a lack of change, unless those bombs had skittles and hershey kisses in them.  The call to be a STRONGER POWER THAN EVER by the great president lets me in on the agenda.

But see, I read too many "conspiracy theories".  I am misguided.  My imagination is getting carried away.  I am overcome by hostility, see.

Things are worse now more than ever because there is a smile instead of a gun behind the implementations.  As a teacher, do you not sight that children are more 'messed up' today with leniency and their toys and electronics and a multitude of choices and "time outs"?  That is because a false-smile and coddling climate allows the almighty ego to dictate instead of consequences.  The ego makes ANYTHING real.

Is there an ego revolution?

and what should good people be doing right now? Obsessive posting on message boards? Sarcasm? Cynicism? What?

Personally, and this is just my ridiculous notion but I believe that ones should first ACKNOWLEDGE and AFFIRM TRUTH.  And if you are telling me the truth that not only is privilege-mindset subsiding but perpetual benefits towards the privileged, I am all eyes and ears.

Then I would buy into your revolution.

Until then, I see it as the hippy movement all over again...I see it as the conversion of Europe to christianity all over again.


(BTW, Rootsie just go ahead and ban me.  I do not belong here mucking up the flower garden.  Just let me spew my negative vibes and hostility and pessimism over at the Speaks)
15  GENERAL / General Board / Re: Transition United States on: February 22, 2009, 07:44:10 PM
Again Rootsie, I ask you to please tell me how these current 'changist'/transitional affairs are ANY different from the "Fallacies of the hippie movement" that you spoke about in your article.
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