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Author Topic: Black on the inside,I think not.  (Read 5193 times)
Posts: 3

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« on: December 07, 2005, 09:09:51 AM »

Hello Rootsie,first of all I thank you for being some what aware of  the white oppression that blacks were and still are suffering from in cityies and towns world wide,from small town Texas to South Africa,your heart is in the right place,that being said,I belive that you just can't be black just on the inside,to be black i s to be born black in the eyes of the great creator,just as you were born white.Theres no way that I can set here and say that I'am white on the inside,I mean you can put a newage spin on it if you like,but let's be real.I as a black man I carry the burdens of my forfathers naturaly,until you have been called a nigger just for mearly existing or for the color of your skin, you know not what I speak of or where I'am coming from. You can always cut your locks and not be associated  with  Rasta culture at all, let me make one thing clear,I'am not knocking you,I'am sure your a great person,but to say your black on the inside is almost offensive,you can't just throw around words like that is all I'am saying.To be black and to have the black experience is beyon words. Goodness knows no skin color,but let's wake up and smell the coffee,to the average black person,when a non black says there black on the inside ,it can be very offensive because that person has not been through what "my people have"it's sort of like me saying I'am white on the inside because I ski or love polka music,just don't work..Ok Rootsie I've raved enough,Jah Rastafari peace to all
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« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2005, 02:09:23 PM »

The point of that article is that 'I'm black on the inside' is something white people say when they are not addressing the issues clearly.
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