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Author Topic: Julius Lester on Racism and Anti-Semitism  (Read 53550 times)
Posts: 40

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« Reply #15 on: September 02, 2009, 12:48:57 AM »

Before I respond, I just want to let you know that you basically completely refuted Rootsie's premise of the sourcing/roots of the worldwide terrorism being "evil european man".

Unless you can cite in her original post where what you stated was touched upon.
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« Reply #16 on: September 02, 2009, 03:39:31 AM »

OK. I'm not trying to argue sides here. I am trying to reach for a more "nuanced" approach to history - and (at least trying to)bring many ideas to bear on the table. I think you both bring up important points and perhaps the truth is in bringing it all in.

It seems that Rootsie is saying that the European(ism) is "most to blame" and you are saying that it is the "Semitism" as you define it that is "most to blame"(in regards to European expansionism and imperialism).  I'm trying to integrate it all - I don't think it does any good to try to pinpoint one specific thing when all things interact(including things which I am not even considering) to give us the story.

I think it would also be good to do a comparative study of other imperial(isms) throughout the world - ones that may not necessarily have the influence of any of the players we are discussing here. What would we find then?

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« Reply #17 on: September 03, 2009, 02:25:59 AM »

******I think it would also be good to do a comparative study of other imperial(isms) throughout the world - ones that may not necessarily have the influence of any of the players we are discussing here.*******

The world is not being massacred and exploited and depleted by those holding Mithraic or Zoroastrianistic or other imperialistic principles.   The world is being terrorized CLEARLY and PRESENTLY by those who are indoctrinated with non-paganic, sole-male-God it Judaic, Christian, or Islamic, you will see a similar track record and wake of destruction by each branch...regardless of "who did it too or beforehand".  That's like absolving Obama of any complicity by bringing up what Bush did before him.  TODAY, we are under the 'regime' of Obama.  And nothing has changed.

I would stand firmly AGAINST any push to incriminate Bush of anything without naming Carter, Clinton, Bush 1 and Obama as co-defendants.

In my dictionary, the definition of 'pagan' is a person who is not xtian, moslem or jew.  Boy, pagan is a very vague grouping isn't it?  So why can't I use "semitism" in the same context.

Explain the empirical differences between either of the Semitic-3...they all call for a messiah...they all call for damnation to outsiders/gentiles...they all call for male supremacy and female subservience...they all call for a jealous, angry, wrathful, spooky, ass-whuppin detached God...and they ALL demonize/inferiorize/terrorize 'earth-dwellers', those who lived upon nature.

And I supposed be delighted and a ease to know that Kungans and Mithraics and Kurds and Zoroastrianists and Persians and Akkadians and Mesopotamians or whoever else did some dirt too?!?!

Maybe some semites would feel comfortable with that but not I.

It would not make me feel better about my family being murdered in their home knowing that Charles Manson did the same thing about 40 years ago.

Show me the DIVINE JUSTIFICATION in a Mithric holy-text that justifies my CURRENT people's land invasions and enslavement...I eagerly await.

Going back in history just to find some sort of absolution is escapist.

Actually, to respond to your inclusion of Kemetic sources, I think you are DEAD ON when it comes to the analysis of Egypt as a source.  Egypt was in fact an "empire".  Empire does not mean hugs and smiles for the masses.  But regardless, we are not both under an unliberated planet because of Kemetians but by those who have extrapolated and mastered power/control mechanisms from the Afrikan/Kemetic entirety.

Egypt is known as the foundation of Western civilization.  The secret societies know and practice this.  The Semitic-3 are nothing but manifestations of control upon the masses by these societies.

Also, you basically admitted that singular-male-Godism (monotheism) was shared by the most notorious oppressors throughout history. 

You nor Rootsie can find me an example of a supreme-sole female-god culture that oppressed and/or invaded other lands.  Nor can you absolve semites from complicity.

My people were not massacred and enslaved, nor was the activity bankrolled by white european pagans.  EVERY aspect of the oppression of the people of the Afrikan continent was done by the hand of some male in the semitic family, one way or another.

Why not refute that last statement and send me to bed.
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« Reply #18 on: September 03, 2009, 05:52:33 PM »

Let's see here. This thread started out with Rootsie saying that the onus is on the unique position of Europe geographically which was the impetus for it's eventual bloody imperialistic impulses. You said that it was the introduction of a "semitic" thread into Europe that was the cause. I said that the answer is in bringing both those things together along with considering the adaptation/evolution of both when applied to that particular context. The historical information I have brought to bear was to show the factors which eventually developed into "the big 3." I find it interesting that you continue to view my reasoning as trying to absolve of responsibility, when in fact I am trying to show how different factors contributed to what is.   You seem to have a mission to prove an absolutist correlation between "Semitism" in a vacuum as a be all, end all reason. You cannot seem to consider and integrate what is being posted and instead twist the reasoning from a sharing to an offense/defense - i.e. either you are with me or against my hypothesis. You are very polarizing and it is very hard to carry out a reasoning with you.

I can maybe see why Rootsie stopped engaging you. You can, of course, get your last word in here after I post this to "win the argument." And perhaps some will view my lack of response to you as your hypothesis' ultimate victory. But I'm sure others will see how you conduct yourself in a reasoning and see that perhaps the lack of engaging you is due mainly to your single-minded, and mind you, very male/left brained way of reasoning.

Good night - I hope you can go to bed now.
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« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2009, 11:58:56 AM »

You giant hypocritical crybaby.

I point out that Rootsie was out of line for including "rastafari speaks" in the same breath as anti-semtism and I ask for proof against what I am saying...and you bellyache about my reasoning delivery/compatibility like a little girl.

That's a weak cop out to escape the heat.  Typical maneuvering.

For one thing, Rootsie stopped addressing me when you entered the picture.  Did you not notice that?  Did you notice that the first thing I asked was for a citing of those alleged anti-semitic remarks? 

Did you ever see a citing???

But you could not waltz in and co-sign her statement fast enough.  And then you play the "I didn't read yet" BS.

The bottom line is that you people want topics like this to just go away because the evidence it too concrete.  All you can do like a semitic lawyer is deflect and filibuster and affiliate but you refuse to zero in like I am willing to do.

Plain and simple.  Your comfort zone is rocked and you are grabbing for straws as identities, culpabilities and causes are examined with the typical hiding behind the anti-semite card and the "they did it too" card.

And you got this "holocaust" card that shrinks and shrinks every year.  Did you know it has been revised downward from "6 million jews" to "6 million people".

Here we have a REAL holocaust with Amerindians reduced to concentration camps.   We have people from Afrika with barely any attachment to their indigenous un-tampered cultures.  And we have this "evil european man" who has destroyed the entire planet's harmony who was empowered by religious amalgamation and you want to talk about Mithra???  And Rootsie wants to associate a reasoning board with anti-semitism???

You are both joined at the hip.

Show me how the semitic culture has been destroyed or tampered and a certain religion and holy-writs have been shoved down their throats and we can discuss the similarities of anti-semitism and racism. 

But until then, which is never, you know as well as I do that your pet Zoroastrianism and Mithraism and Persian-centrism do not hold a candle to the current manifestations of semitism which have wrecked havoc across the entire globe.

I have asked and asked for refute.  But all you can do is waltz and sing and dance with some other accomplices instead of discussing the indictment against what I call "semites".

So now I have smoked out 2 semitic protectionists...I am looking for the rest of you.

Anti-semitism is the product of semitism.

It began with the mindset of anti-paganism.

So next, I should begin a reasoning of the Speaks with "I am saddened by the anti-paganism and semitic protectionism on European Roots..."

360, your fence-riding politically-correct days are over.  You are exposed.  Reasoning is not about tongue massaging or vernacular art.  It is about TRUTH.

But you have taken the comfort path instead.  Very disappointing but not surprising.

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