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Author Topic: Election Observance '08  (Read 8301 times)
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« on: November 04, 2008, 09:33:52 PM »

Whatever your views, the mood is high on this 2008 election day. There is electricity in the air and folks are getting out to vote. Municipalities are bustling with activity. There is a sense of a "collective force" hoping to move things towards change. Indeed it is a concept that abodes well under the current climate, and people are willing to join together to make things happen on both sides of the coin. I think the last 2 election cycles people saw how political "apathy" set the stage for the current catastrophic Bush administration to wreak its havoc over the past 8yrs. There seems to be a real effort this election to, at the very least, flex one's political muscle. There is also a great sense of history in the making with the possibility of the first elected US Black president.

Obama is certainly a superstar/savior figure and there are huge expectations placed upon his head to be just that. It is interesting to observe the rapture-like faces/expressions during his rallies. I can see that balloon pop after the first human tendencies are eventually realized. His candidacy does, however, represent a lot of symbolic references that will hopefully bring a lot of necessary discussions to the table - Perhaps that big old elephant that's been standing in the middle of the room for so long might finally get acknowledged...and if so, it's about to get ugly in here.

McCain supporters seem to be operating under the covert guise of fear through spouting "American" (white) pride.. Fear that this non-white candidate might take away some of their privileges and actually "spread the wealth."

Though personal responsibility is the true cornerstone of movement for change - experiencing a sense of the collective force is powerful thing. Perhaps people from the groundroots up can grasp a sense of the "collective will" and be a vital part of changing things as we know it; thus contributing towards the beginnings of a mass conscious shift beyond the political spectrum.

The danger here with placing high expectations on either candidate, is deifying another to do what we ourselves are called to do.

Wherever you sit - it is indeed an interesting election here in the US.
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« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2008, 03:23:33 AM »

yup. Indeed an amazing feeling. The way I'm feeling/thinking about this has really blown me away. I'll post more tomorrow. Thanks to you, Tracey, for your integrity and your truth. It's time for the yakkers like me to get down to work.
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