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"Bush Reloaded"

by Satya Sagar
...In fact given George Bush Jr’s brilliant record in doing permanent damage to the very political, economic and cultural foundations on which the US Super-turned Hyper-turned Imperial Power rests I would happily paraphrase ‘43’ and say ‘bring him on’ once again. Far from weeping I would actually rejoice if Bush remains as President and finishes his historical mission of dismantling, brick by brick, base by base, every outpost of the global US Empire. 

Sure, I agree in the short run a new Bush Presidency could see more wars and misery than what we already have. He might go on to attack Iran next and then Syria and then North Korea. In another four years time he will come back to invade Afghanistan and Iraq once more because by then they would have surely slipped out of US control. So there we would go beating around the Bush all over again.

But despite these dire possibilities of Bush Reloaded we also need to consider the fact that US Democrats have an equally bad record of sending US troops abroad and so there is no real guarantee that America will not be at war in future under some ‘noble’ pretext or the other. After all the Democrats were the ones who were responsible for the Korean and Vietnam Wars, not to mention the bombing of Serbia- all in the service of the same military-financial-corporate complex that Bush Jr. serves.  Already we know for example that Bush’s main opponent at the polls, John Kerry, objects not to the invasion of Iraq but only to the ‘way it was sold’ to the world.

So on balance, as far as many in the Third World are concerned, I think there is nothing much to really choose between the main contestants of the next US election. They are all going to bomb us anyway and to mangle the English language a bit ‘A Known Devil in the Bush is surely worth two Unknown in the Curry, er, I mean Kerry’...

Full Article: zmag.org

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