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"The London Bombings"

by Robert Thompson
Like every decent person, we must condemn the persons responsible for the bombings which have taken place today in London, but we must also condemn with equal vigour those who commit similar crimes every day in the Holy Land in the name of Zionism or in Iraq and elsewhere in support of Mr George W. Bush's war against our civilisation.

The Statement put out by George Galloway, the Respect Member of Parliament for Bethnal Green and Bow, is a helpful reminder of the interrelationship of all such hideous attacks on innocent people going about their ordinary daily lives.

We cannot let pass without comment any such violation of human values, and we must express without fear our disgust at the perpetrators of all attrocities whether or not they are among the supposedly "great and good" of this world or not. London is in the same situation as Falujah or Rafah or Jenin, or, if one goes back in time the Warsaw Ghetto or Sabra and Shatila.

Let us all show our horror at the terrorism constantly used by the followers of the current Triumvirate of Evil, Mr George W. Bush, Mr Ariel Sharon and Mr Oussama bin Laden. Also, it would be unfair to forget their Scottish lap-dog, Mr Anthony (call me "Tony") Blair, currently welcoming his Fuehrer at the G8 Meeting being held in the Gleneagles Hotel.

Let us also all show our revulsion for all who use such reckless violence to achieve their aims, starting with the same Triumvirate, whose followers, when their leaders pretend to be in disagreement with one another, cleverly use this phoney hostility as a means towards the destruction of all peace and decency in this world while they endeavour to strengthen their ruinous joint grip on our lives and on our freedoms.

If only these three criminals (together, of course, with their pathetic acolyte Mr Blair) could be brought together before the International Criminal Court to face their crimes as defined so clearly in the Nuremberg Principles, then the world would be a cleaner place.

In the meantime, we must all express our sympathy for all who are suffering or have suffered from the evil attacks in London, from the evil invasion and occupation of Iraq and from the evil invasion and occupation of the Holy Land, whatever may have been the supposed justification for any such terrorist actions.
Full: axisoflogic.com

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