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"Obama lends star power"

EATONVILLE -- About 500 people rose to their feet in a standing ovation worthy of a rock star as U.S. Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., hit the stage Saturday at Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church.

The charismatic black politician from Chicago, who at 43 has achieved almost icon status since his wildly popular speech at last year's Democratic convention, was in town to bolster the upcoming Senate campaign of his colleague U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla.

...I see a Democratic Party afraid to say they're Democrats, who voted for the war in Iraq and voted for tax cuts for the wealthy," said Glenn Anderson of Orlando. "Why should I remain a Democrat?"

It was a tough question. But Nelson and Obama tried to answer it.

"The Democrats at times have lost their way," conceded Obama. "We are trying to decide what our core values are."
The criterion for judging the party isn't whether it's to the left or right, "but are we true to our core values," he said. Nobody defined core values.

Balance, Nelson answered, is necessary for government to work. His example: "I call 'em as I see 'em. When I disagree with the president, I vote against him. When I agree with the president, I vote with him."

Obama gave another example: "I was opposed to the war [in Iraq] when it was launched. But once we're in, we have an obligation to make it work, to honor those who lost their lives and bring a semblance of democracy to the region."

Both politicians pushed emotional buttons close to voters' hearts.
Full: orlando sentinel.com

Oh, 'core values'....right.... If I happen to run into them I'll be sure to let the Senator know. Like I said the Democratic Party is dead.

Replies: 1 Comment

Tuesday, July 12th, wordplay posted:

Obama Sin Baden

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