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"Teacher 'led terror attacks'"

Suicide bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan, the 30-year-old teaching assistant from Leeds, has emerged as the commander of the London terror attacks, with links to suspected al-Qaeda operatives across three continents.

As Khan's family came forward yesterday to make a public statement expressing their astonishment for his part in the 'horrific and evil' act that killed at least 55 people, security sources confirmed he was linked to a previous foiled terrorist plot in Britain. US reports also suggest that he had links to a second plot linked to an al-Qaeda cell in Pakistan. Khan is also believed to have been in telephone contact with a suspected al-Qaeda recruiter in New York.

...Last night, the wife of Germaine Lindsay spoke of her devastation at learning of her husband's secret life. Samantha Lewthwaite, 22, said: 'I never predicted or imagined that he was involved in such horrific activities. He was a loving husband and father.

'My whole world has fallen apart, and my thoughts are with the families of the victims of this incomprehensible devastation.'

Lindsay's half-sister said he had been a 'great brother, just like any sister would want a brother to be'. But Dana Reid told Channel 4 News that he had changed when he started to attend local mosques.

The pair drifted apart and Reid only heard about his death on the news. But she added, that despite his change, she could not believe he would have carried out the atrocities. 'I want proof,' she said. 'He did change but he never changed in his love for people.'
Full: guardian.co.uk

Well you could see this coming, because Khan was the oldest. And a nursey school teacher at that. What happened to the convenient 'mastermind' whom we were told slipped out of the country on the 7th?

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