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"Cheney-Rumsfeld cabal solidify power at World Bank, Pentagon"

You'd think they had won the Iraq war the way the Cheney-Rumsfeld cabal and its minions are dividing the Earth's spoils.

At the world's No. 1 purveyor of arms and spilled blood (the Pentagon), Don Rumsfeld has quietly shuffled the order of succession, replacing the secretaries of the military services with such creepy civilians as Stephen Cambone.

Meanwhile, at the planet's No. 1 source of development finance, the World Bank, Paul Wolfowitz has installed former Dick Cheney flack Kevin Kellems in yet another absurdly powerful job. A sweet setup: The World Bank doles out money to "developing countries" only if they play along. The Pentagon does the same with arms.

It's the long arm of Cheney that concerns many of the World Bank's 10,000 employees, quite a few of whom are altruistic about helping spread the earth's wealth instead of just letting the West plunder resource-rich continents. Wolfie's already done a lot of trust-busting inside the bank.

Now Kellems, already a "senior advisor" to Wolfowitz, as I previously noted, is in line to become "director of strategy" at the bank's External Affairs Department.

Insiders tell me that Wolfowitz tried to make Kellems (whom he took to the bank along with Boeing-scandal figure Robin Cleveland) the vice president for external affairs, but the bank's board rebelled at that idea. Instead, Wolfowitz moved him in anyway, under VP Ian Goldin, who will be a figurehead.

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