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"Syria backs Iran in nuclear standoff"

DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) — Syria asserted Thursday that Iran has a right to atomic technology and said U.S. and European objections to Tehran's nuclear ambitions are not persuasive.

President Bashar Assad of Syria, a long-time Iranian ally facing criticism from the same parties, said he backs Iran's moves toward nuclear power and wants to strengthen ties.

"We support Iran regarding its right to peaceful nuclear technology," Assad said at a news conference with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the start of two days of meetings.

"It is the right of Iran and any other state to own nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. Countries that object to that have not provided a convincing or logical reason."

Israel accuses Iran of funding bomb attack
Israel has accused Iran of funding the suicide bombing in a Tel Aviv café which injured more than 30 people on Thursday.

Shaul Mofaz, the Defence Minister, also pointed the finger at Syria, saying the bombing by an Islamic Jihad cell operating out of Nablus had been carried out on the direct orders of the faction's headquarters in Damascus. Thirteen of the injured were still in hospital yesterday.

Mr Mofaz said the Israeli defence establishment, which is currently stepping up its calls for UN sanctions against Iran's nuclear programme, had "decisive proof that the attack in Tel Aviv was a direct result of the "axis of terror" that operates between Iran and Syria".

'Iran comparing N-deal with India outrageous'
New Delhi, January 20: Terming as ‘outrageous’ Iran’s comparison of its nuclear programme with India, the US on Friday said Tehran needs to face the ‘penalty’ as it had crossed ‘so many international red lines’.

ElBaradei rejects EU’s request to condemn Iran
Mohamed ElBaradei, the head of the UN’s nuclear monitor, has turned down a request by the European Union to issue a far-reaching condemnation of Iran’s nuc lear programme when the agency’s board meets in extraordinary session next month.

Mr ElBaradei’s reports set the tone for the international debate on the issue, so his decision could weaken US-European efforts for a speedy referral of Iran to the UN Security Council.

The director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has been frustrated by Iran’s resumption of nuclear research – the move that set off US and European attempts to send the issue to the Security Council – as well as by a slowdown in Iranian co-operation with his inspectors. He has informed Tehran it has until the end of next month to give his inspectors improved access to documents and sites.

Only if Iran does not accede would he be ready to declare his investigation was no longer making progress and that his hands were tied.

Diplomats said leading European governments had asked Mr ElBaradei to make an earlier report, ahead of the February 2-3 meeting of the IAEA board.

“ElBaradei has refused because he believes in due process,” said an official close to the agency. “He has said that the next report will be for the [regular] March 6 board and he can’t just advance that report.”

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