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"Iraq unbreakable"

...The US strategy in Iraq has been to destroy its Arab- Muslim identity and partition it into a minimum of three weak and conflicting protectorates, along sectarian lines, in order to ensure American political, economic and military domination. The invasion of Iraq was and remains an illegal war, a crime of aggression. Iraq and Iraqis are protected by international law -- by the founding Charter of the United Nations as well as the Geneva Conventions and the Hague IV Convention. By recognising UN Security Council Resolution 1533, in which the US is described as an occupying power, the US bound itself to inalienable obligations, stated under international humanitarian law. These treaties stipulate that an occupying power cannot change the social, economic or political make-up of the occupied country and cannot link this country to any agreements or treaties that exceed the occupation. This includes the constitution, elections and all contracts that have been created.

...The present uprising of Iraqis is not merely a part of the wider struggle against savage globalisation and "free" capital; it is its forefront battle. It is because the Iraqis refuse to surrender their sovereignty to multinational corporations that Iraq is being destroyed so blatantly. We should all be humbled by the loses this people has been prepared to endure for our sake and demand the complete, unconditional and immediate withdrawal of occupation forces from Iraqi soil, along with the cancellation of any law, treaty, agreement or contract passed under occupation and the fair payment of reparations and compensations for the human and material loses the Iraqis have suffered.

The US plan has already failed -- politically, morally, economically and even militarily. There are two types of strategy in warfare: either you have the ability to destroy your enemy or you have to destroy his will to fight. The US has failed in the first attempt, and can only completely eradicate the Iraqi population to succeed in the second. The Iraqi people's right to resist is the basis of, and is protected by, the Charter of the United Nations. This people's struggle will be our future pride if it is not already. Supporting the Iraqis in their legitimate and heroic fight does not mean supporting the return of any previous order. Iraqis have proven their determination in defining their fate and future. They have taken it into their hands and will not and cannot accept any kind of future tyranny.

The Iraqi youth will refuse any occupation, foreign interference, one party state, despotism, or authoritarian rule. It holds the heritage, technical skills and modernism to defend the separation of religion and state, equality between men and women and sovereignty over Iraq's natural resources. This youth will not accept selling short the rights of the country and nation. While humanity has neared the edge of moral suicide, the success of their struggle is our salvation. My heart is Iraqi.

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