Kurds’ Leaders Said to Attempt to Block Shiite

BAGHDAD, Iraq, April 22 – Some leading Kurdish political figures are trying to stall the formation of a new Iraqi government in an effort to force out Ibrahim al-Jaafari, the Shiite chosen two weeks ago as prime minister, Iraqi and Western officials said.

Such an effort could further delay forming a government at a sensitive time. The past week has seen a sharp increase in insurgent violence, including the downing Thursday of a commercial helicopter that left 11 people dead. One of the victims was apparently executed by the attackers.

American officials say the continuing failure to form a new government – almost three months after elections – could be contributing to the resurgent violence.

The political momentum generated by the elections has “worn off a bit,” an American official here said Friday, and that “has given the insurgents new hope. The best thing to undermine the insurgency is to maintain momentum on the political process.”

A spokesman for the Kurdish alliance denied Friday evening that there was any effort to unseat Dr. Jaafari. But Kurdish leaders have never been comfortable with religious figures like Dr. Jaafari, the leader of one of Iraq’s best-known Shiite religious parties. Any successful campaign against him could derail the pact between the Shiite and Kurdish alliances that emerged two months ago, opening the possibility of a new alignment that would favor more secular figures like the departing prime minister, Ayad Allawi.
Full: nytimes.com

If the grand strategy is chaos, everything is understandable.

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