OpEdNews.Com/ Zogby People’s Poll; 100% of Blacks Oppose Alito and Think Iraq War Unjustified

…The poll came up with some powerful findings which this article will discuss. For starters 85% of Democrats are more likely to support a candidate who supports impeachment.

100% of the African Americans in the poll– 109– now believe that the Iraq war was unjustified. Zero percent of the African Americans polled support the appointment of Alito to the Supreme Court. 80.3% oppose it and 19.7 percent are not sure. That helps explain the huge drop in support PA Senatorial candidate Bob Casey sees from African Americans when they learn his positions. How huge?

Casey loses virtually 50% of his African American support (think Philadelphia and Pittsburgh) I was shocked until I checked the poll’s issue question demographics and found how strongly the African American Community feels about those two issues.

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