Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador speaks on the Fraudulent Presidential Election in Mexico

…For example, from the review we have carried out, 60 percent of the total number of 130,788 voting records have “arithmetical errors,” in quotes, that is to say there are thousands of voting control records where the total vote plus the unused ballots is greater or less than the number of votes received, thousands of voting control records where the total vote is greater or less than the number of ballots deposited and thousands of voting control records where the total vote plus the unused ballots is greater or less than the nominal list, by 10.

I can clarify further: there are more than a million and a half votes that are not based on electoral ballot papers or, put another way, the voting control records do not reflect the true vote because they add up to more or to fewer votes than the votes actually deposited in the ballot boxes.

From our point of view, this explains, in good measure, why, when it was permitted to open some electoral packets and do a recount in the District Councils, cases appeared where the candidate of the Right, fraudulently, had 100 to 200 votes more than they should and ourselves up to 100 votes fewer than we should, according to the box.

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