Fanning the Hysteria About Iran: NPR Leads the Charge to War

by Mike Whitney

“We are ready to do everything necessary to give guarantees that we won’t seek nuclear weapons.”
President Mohammad Khatami

When did “liberal” NPR become a champion of American aggression against Iran?

Listeners to National Public Radio are increasingly apt to criticize the “rightward shift” in the station’s news coverage. The August 30 “Morning Edition” program, however, reached a new low for slanted journalism and for making the Bush Administration’s case for war with Iran.

The commentary titled “US Presses UN Agency on Iran Nuclear Program” was a textbook example of propaganda dressed up to look like unbiased reporting.

All three interviewees were charter members of America’s “far right” establishment; haling from the American Enterprise Institute, the Nixon Center and the Project for the New American Century. All three of these groups were “front and center” in facilitating the unwarranted attack on “unarmed” Iraq. The Bush Administration is looking for an excuse to attack Iran; that much is clear.

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