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Author Topic: Howard Dean  (Read 40767 times)
Posts: 958

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« Reply #15 on: December 18, 2003, 07:18:36 PM »

oy vey.

How interesting that you project negativity into what I say and make assumption about my 'happiness' and 'light' levels. I guess you are assessing my 'merit' in the same vain and superficial way you assess your own.

So interesting also that you are a Buddhist and you forget the first Noble Truth. To speak of WHAT IS is neither negative nor life-denying. It is, simply, what is. I can only speak from my own understandings and experiences.

You throw the words 'One Love' around like some  magic spell against insecurity and fear.  Well maybe some day you will get a hit of what  that really is.  Love denies nothing. Love deals with what is. I am neither unhappy nor negative nor am I afraid.

How you equate One Love with support of Howard Dean, of all things, is funny. But I guess since you have so much merit, anyone who disagrees with you is suspect. I don't understand how analyzing a situation can be interpreted as sitting on the sidelines throwing stones. We should have a healthy public discourse in this country. That is part of citizenship. Much work needs to be done before we start throwing the word 'unity' around. Unity is not just a word. And in fact those who gather to do collective works without developing first are probably doing more harm than good.

The way you have conducted yourself in these reasonings says much. You never engaged the reasonings of others here with claity of mind. Which is interesting. Since that is the essence of Buddhism. That lifting up out of the animal realms of emotion. Not to mention the essence of effective collective effort.

But hey if it feels good and gives you an emotional lift do it. That is the American motto. But it has nothing to do with love.

This world itself IS Nirvana when ones truly see. But one thing for sure, ones who deny the reality of life as it is and the totality of who they are never will.

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« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2009, 01:33:52 AM »

Im going out on a limb here, and just for a bit of fun, although Im very interested I want to find out what the score with this is.
  i go to the forest a fair bit, to walk and camp and generally get lost. peoples perception of the place is strange, it seems to be one of fear. Ive heard the stories of panthers, wild boar, white deer and other things that only make me more interested in the place. But theres a girl who works with my brother, and she was born in the forest, others have said not to mention this particular story near her. but we dont know what the story is.
 Its apparently the sort of story that if you walked in to a pub in the forest and mentioned one word about it, the whole place would fall  silent, and you would be in grave danger. Can anyone shed any light on what this could possibly be, i have a feeling it involves a group of locals.
 No wind up, Im genuinely interested.
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