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"Beware of Western Nation's Threatening "Democracy""

by Donna J. Volatile
"There's gonna be hell to pay, at the end of the day..."
Les Miserables (the musical) Lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer

It's tempting to want to see the latest events unfolding in Ukraine as romantic: The people rising up in mass, demanding 'democracy', like something out of Les Miserables as the people man the barricades! It's especially appealing to many here in the U.S. who so desperately need to believe that democracy can still prevail, somewhere in the world, if not here at home, yet, this is a dangerous aberration, one that promises to deliver disappointment.

The "velvet revolution" taking place in Ukraine, is nothing more than an illusion carefully crafted by the masters of the universe, in an effort to further their collective goal: conquering the world's resources and expanding their global dominion. (If the velvet revolution had commercial breaks, the sponsors would announce that this is being brought to you by the IMF, World Bank and all the other usual suspects.) Would that true democracy could win the day, anywhere in the world today, surely we would celebrate in earnest but the fact of the matter is real democracy will never be allowed to exist simply because it is abhorrent to the powers that be.

What passes for a democratic revolution in Ukraine is nothing more than a U.S. staged coup d'etat, very similar to the one the Bush administration backed in Georgia last year, which toppled Eduard Shevardnadze and helped to further pave the way for U.S. ambitions in the region. (1)

The cast of characters in this epic tale of revolution, American style, are: Vladimir Putin, the supposed arch enemy of the free world and our villain; Viktor Yanukovych, the president elect in question and at the center of the controversy, who is supported by Moscow; Viktor Yushchenko, the U.S./IMF/World Bank puppet hero and The People on the streets (the supporting cast), replete with costumes made up of orange hats and scarves, their props consisting of orange banners, flags and an endless sea of tents, which line the icy streets of Kiev and illustrate their resolve to stay until they are victorious.

Behind the scenes of the revolution, operating in dark alley ways, conjuring and manipulating the desperate images of a people fighting for their freedoms, are our usual suspects: The National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Freedom House and last but certainly not least, George Soros' Open Society Institute, all of whom helped to fund pro-Western candidate Viktor Yushchenko.(2) (Does anyone ever wonder about George Soros, famed 'philanthropist' and promoter of 'democracy' around the world? Soros poured fifteen million dollars of his own money into anti-war and anti-Bush groups during the presidential election, publicly proclaiming his hatred of George W. Bush and yet Soros and his organization seem to support the same agenda: exporting the U.S. idea of democracy to areas of the world strategic to U.S. interests and miraculously following the Bush Administration's chosen route for oil pipelines...)
Full Article: counterpunch.org

Replies: 1 Comment

Friday, December 3rd, iyah360 posted:

"(Does anyone ever wonder about George Soros, famed 'philanthropist' and promoter of 'democracy' around the world? Soros poured fifteen million dollars of his own money into anti-war and anti-Bush groups during the presidential election, publicly proclaiming his hatred of George W. Bush and yet Soros and his organization seem to support the same agenda: exporting the U.S. idea of democracy to areas of the world strategic to U.S. interests and miraculously following the Bush Administration's chosen route for oil pipelines...)"

* it really makes me upset that the so-called progressives couldn't see past this obvious anamoly in the Bush opposition during the election. the rich cabal runs the whole frame of discourse - a punk band couldn't even put in a bad sentence about George Soros in the "Rock Against Bush" compilation.

the alarm clock has been ringing for a while now, but these sleepy deluded liberals just don't wanna wake up.

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