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"White supremacists claim Cindy's cause"

The latest entrants in the saga of Cindy Sheehan vs. the White House are white supremacists, as they plan to rally against the Iraq War this weekend in Crawford, Texas.

Members of Stormfront.org are tossing their figurative hoods into the mix, as they invite supporters to come to Camp Casey to "let the world know that white patriots were first and loudest to protest this war for Israel."

As Cindy Sheehan renews her vigil outside the Bush ranch, a group of "White Supremacists" have shown up just in time for the mainstream media to proclaim that the peace movement harbors racists and (shudder) anti-Semites!

The timing is just too cute to be believed, and in an age where Karl Rove has redefined political dirty tricks to a degree that even Dick Nixon would admire, one has good reason to be skeptical who the "White Supremacists" are and more to the point, who they work for.

So, a Whatreallyhappened reader did a DNS search on stormfront.org, the supposed top of the heap in anti-Semitic groups, whose existence is cited as grounds for continued funding of various holocaust museums and the passage of draconian "hate" laws used to silence criticism of Israel.

Here is the DNS record whois returns on stormfront.org. Better verify it yourselves, because as soon as this article hits the net count on it to be changed.

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