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"Boost for superstitious: Sun to darken on day of pope's funeral"

PARIS (AFP) - Those who say eclipses herald history-shaping events will find support for their superstition when, on Friday, the Sun will be briefly plunged into darkness on the day of Pope John Paul II's funeral.

Astronomers, though, say the eclipse, while of a rare and intriguing type, was calculated long ago and is simply part of a ballet in celestial physics between the Sun, Earth and Moon.

It will be visible on Friday along an arc ranging from the southwestern Pacific to South America, at a time it will already be night in Rome.

The event will be a rare type called a "hybrid eclipse," expert Fred Espenak says on his website

Yeah yeah and the sky darkened the day Jesus died--we get it. It's this kind of junk that gives a girl paranoid thoughts, such as "ok they timed his death announcement to coincide with an eclipse."

Somebody young but who should still know better said to me "it seems like the Pope was a pretty good guy." This extravaganza is all too reminiscent of the Reagan funeral. The media's going in for Roman pagaentry, and it all feels most sinister to me.

People forget that the first John Paul, a proponent of cleaning up Vatican corruption and reforming Church doctrine on birth control, had a 'heart attack' 33 days into his reign in the midst of a Masonic government scandal in Italy (P-2 Lodge) which was associated with the bankruptcy of Continental of Illinois while Chicago Archbishop Marcinkus was the head of the Vatican bank(which was laundering counterfeit Mafia bonds), the'suicide' of Roberto Calvi, yada yada yada...The Vatican Bank's billions have been most useful to the international fascist network that has been running full-tilt since WWII,
turning Latin America into one big torture chamber, and involved up to its eyeballs in guns and drugs and black-ops, all this in the name of opposing Communism.

John Paul II effectively buried Church reform. His policies relentlessly attacked women, and he did Africa the big favor of opposing the use of condoms. He took apart Liberation Theology in Latin America, and was staunchly pro-Zionist. His non-response to the various sex scandals was shameful.

Some legacy. Some hero. Some 'saint.'

Replies: 1 Comment

Wednesday, April 6th, i posted:

pay no attention to that man behind the curtain . . .

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